Monday, October 26, 2009

Throwing rocks

With SOLILOQUY due to be released on January 15, 2010, I should be completely focused on finalizing press releases, ordering book marks, arranging signings and a myriad of other marketing tasks. Sigh. Yes, I am doing all of that but I’d rather be writing. A new SF manuscript consumes me, in the most positive, non-caloric sense. Juggling writing time with marketing sounds easy, but my new characters keep getting rocks thrown at them and I worry that if I don’t work fast, well, someone might get hurt or duck in the wrong direction. And it’s totally disruptive when my characters duck and develop a life of their own. What were they thinking? Making their own decisions, going their own way? Hmph! Well, in reality it’s terribly fun, even if my vision and plot have to be reconsidered and revised. That just means my characters are alive, at least to me. Guess I’ll have to keep juggling my writing time and marketing efforts. Watch out, Clumpy! Don’t want to hit you if I drop a rock! Or worse yet, throw it too hard!

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